Thursday, May 14, 2009

Siam Country

Some people or even you maybe wonder what is the name called 'Siam'. 'Siam' or 'The Kingdom of Thailand'. The country was known as Siam until May 11, 1949. It is the only Sountheast Asian Country never to have been colonized by any western power. In the past, Siam society was very simple. The people were kind and always smile. We were called 'Siam Muang Yim' or ' The land of smile'. Siam is a mosiac of peoples and cultures, and yet it has never suffered any serious racial conflict. This may be due to the fact that the central Thai have ruled more by consensus than by force. The widespread practice of Buddhism has also promoted racial harmony. An official proclamation changed the name of the country to 'Prathet Thai', or 'Thailand'. Let's see the beautiful old post cards of Siam. Special thanks for 'The best' post card shop , 4th fl 'The Mall' shopping mall in Bangkok, Thailand.

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