No More War! Thousands of children died in Angola during the period of war and Tens of thousands of children died in Uganda. Thousands of children died in Nigeria during the period of war and Tens of thousands of children died in Liberia. Thousands of children died in Zimbabwe and tens of thousands of children are dying in Darfur. Children are dying in India. children are dying in Pakistan. Children are dying in Israel and tens of thousands of children are dying in Iraq.
Let's help children in this world Humanitarian emergencies — whether caused by extreme poverty, armed conflict, or natural disasters — are especially devastating for children. UNICEF's mission is to provide special protection for the world's most disadvantaged children. Please visit this link
Let's help the children in the northern of Thailand. Many western individuals and families help us in our work to expand the lives of Nan's youngsters. You can do so yourself, by contributing to the future of these northern Thailand children. Please visit this link
Let's make a dream come true to the terminally ill children with cancer. Fulfill dreams of children with cancer and blood diseases whose hopes for a cure are limited. Support palliative and hospice care for children with cancer and blood diseases. Provide a high quality of life for children with cancer and blood diseases. Care for grieving families who have lost their loved ones. Help to sustain research and public education related to child cancer and blood diseases. Please visit this link 'NO COMMERCIAL INVOLVED'
Thank you for these excellent pictures!