Songkran Festival in Siamese
The traditional Siamese New Year, is celebrated for a full three days beginning April 13 and blends solemn religious ceremonies with riotous throwing of water on passers-by. The word 'Song Kran' comes from the Sanskrit language which means to 'Move into'. It refered to the orbit of the sun moving into Aries. It marks the end of a 12-months cycle and the beginning of a new solar year. The word 'Song Kran' means a passage or course and refers to the position of the sun within the solar system. As the sun enters each of the houses of the zodiac constellation, a songkran cycle is completed. Over time, the use of the term has become more generic and Songkran is more commonly associated with the period when the sun enters Aries, in April.
Apart from marking a new beginning, Songkran is also a time for thanksgiving. It is an important time for individuals to reflect upon the many acts of kindness and thoughtfulness each has personally experienced and to remember how such acts of generousity and compassion bring peace, happiness and well-being.
Apart from marking a new beginning, Songkran is also a time for thanksgiving. It is an important time for individuals to reflect upon the many acts of kindness and thoughtfulness each has personally experienced and to remember how such acts of generousity and compassion bring peace, happiness and well-being.